Senin, 13 April 2020

Lirik Lagu Aisyah Istri Rasulullah

Mulia indah cantik berseri
Kulit putih bersih merah dipipimu
Dia Aisyah putri Abu Bakar
Istri Rasulullah

Sungguh sweet Nabi mencintamu
Hingga Nabi minum di bekas bibirmu
Bila marah, Nabi kan bermanja
Mencubit hidungnya


Romantisnya cintamu dengan Nabi
Dengan baginda kau pernah main lari-lari
Selalu bersama hingga ujung nyawa
Kau disamping Rasulullah…

Sungguh manis oh sirah kasih cintamu
Bukan persis novel mula benci jadi rindu
Kau istri tercinta Ya Aisyah Humairah…
Rasul sayang, kasih, Rasul cintamu

Mulia indah cantik berseri
Kulit putih bersih merah dipipimu
Dia Aisyah putri Abu Bakar
Istri Rasullallah

Sungguh sweet Nabi mencintamu
Bila lelah Nabi baring di jilbabmu
Seketika kau pula bermanja
Mengikat rambutnya


Romantisnya cintamu dengan Nabi
Dengan baginda kau pernah main lari-lari
Selalu bersama hingga ujung nyawa
Kau disamping Rasulullah…


Sungguh manis oh sirah kasih cintamu
Bukan persis novel mula benci jadi rindu
Kau istri tercinta Ya aisyah Humairah…
Rasul sayang, kasih, Rasul cintamu

Mengapa hukum pidana adat tidak mengenal istilah prae existente regel ?

 Hal ini merupakan salah satu sifat dari hukum adat yang di kemukakan oleh I Made Widnyana, dimana ketentuan yang terbuka karena didasarkan atas ketidakmampuan meramal apa yang akan terjadi sehingga tidak bersifat pasti sehingga ketentuannya selalu terbuka untuk segala peristiwa atau pebuatan yang mungkin terjadi. Yang harus kita pahami disini ialah Hukum adat ini sendiri berlainan dengan hukum kriminal Barat, hukum Adat tidak mempunyai sistem pelanggaran yang tertutup. Hukum adat tidak mengenal sistem “prae-existente regels”, artinya tidak mengenal sistem pelanggaran hukum yang ditetapkan terlebih dahulu sebagaimana dalam “asas legalitas” yang tertuang dalam Pasal 1 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana.
Seluruh lapangan hidup menjadi batu ujian perihal apa yang dilarang dan apa yang dibolehkan. Tiap-tiap perbuatan atau tiap-tiap situasi yang tidak selaras dengan atau yang memperkosa keselamatan masyarakat, keselamatan golongan famili atau keselamatan teman semasyarakat (anggota famili, dan sebagainya), dapat merupakan pelanggaran hukum.
Dengan demikian maka di dalam hukum Adat, suatu perbuatan yang tadinya tidak merupakan delik adat, pada suatu waktu dapat dianggap oleh hakim atau oleh kepala adat sebagai perbuatan yang menentang tata tertib masyarakat sedemikian rupa, sehingga dianggap perlu diambil upaya adat (adatreaksi) guna memperbaiki hukum.

Siapakah Albert Einstein ?

Albert Eienstein
Adalah seorang ilmuwan terkenal yang memiliki andil dalam perang dunia II. dia terkenal dalam bidang fisika dengan teori relatiitas sehingga pengembangan dalam mekanika kuantum,dengan penemuan itu dalam 1921 dia memperoleh penghargaan nobel dalam bidang fisika . tetapi di perang dunia ke II tersebut penemuannya turut berkontribusi dalam pencintaan bom terkuat di dunia pada abad ke-20 yaitu Bom Atom ,penemuannya dalam bidang fisika yang berkontribusi dalam perang dunia ke II awalnya dia dukung ,namun dengan jatuhnya ratusan ribu korban yag tidak bersalah turut membuat hati Albert Einstein menyesal walaupun dengan pencapaian paripurna tersebut ia menjadi terkenal di seluruh dunia hingga majalah TIME pada tahun 1999 memantapkan Albert einstein sebagai person of the year   

Dengan di tetapkan Albert Enstein  sebagai person of the year pada tahun 1999 membuat kita bertanya apa saja penemuan Albert Eienstein yang begitu melambungkan namanya pertama adalah teori relativitas penemuan ini ia lakukan di jerman pada tahun 1918 dia mengemukakan teori ini karena ia memiliki rasa ingin tahu terhadap gelombang eletromagnetik tidak sesuai dengan gerakan newton dalam toeri relativitas inilah berkembang efek fotolistrik yang pada tahun 1991 dia memperoleh nobel dalam fisika . albert eienstein menjabarkan efek fotolistrik dengan percobaannya pada permukaan logam . ketika permukaan logam mengenai radiasi elektomagnetk yang berada diatas ambang frekuensi tertentu, maka radiasi elektomagnrtik yang di serap itu sebanding dengan energi. Dengan penemuan ini dapat di kembangkan sel surya sebagai sumber energi.

 Dengan  efek fotolistrik tersebut dapat  di kembangkan energi terbarukan yang berasal dari non fosil  sehingga dapat dikatakan albert eienstein adalah seorang ilmuwa yang melampui zamannya. Walaupun demikian dia tetap seorang yang rendah hati dan memiliki prinsip dalam menjaga perdamaian dunia, hal ini terlihat dalam ketegasannya dlam menolak terlibat dalam proyek penelitian yang didanai oleh adolf hitler dan memilih untuk pindah ke Amerika Serikat dan bergabung dalam pihak sekutu untuk berkontribusi menghancurkan fasisme di seluruh dunia lewat temukannya lewat fisika .dengan kehebatannya tersebut ia turut adil dalam menjaga perdamaian dunia. 

Usai perang dunia ke II Albert Eienstein menjaga senjata nuklir agar di jauhkan dari konflik internasional . dengan teori relativitasa seblumnya ia paskah perang dunia ke II memilih untuk mengabdikan diri pada dunia academic di Princetown University untuk mengembangkan teori relativitas yang dapat mengubah pandangan dunia  tentang alam semesta

Target Audience FAQ

Who is our target audience ?
Geography can help us to determine target audience. For example, a company that manage and distribute water would be more interested in the consumers located in the east of Indonesia and in the dust regions.One of the company is Aqua.Aqua is one of the most recognizeable water company in Indonesia.In Indonesia,Aqua is focusing their target in the east of Indonesia include Nusa Tenggara,Papua and Sulawesi.

What do we need to communicate and achieve ?
To communicate with people in East Indonesia to marketing Aqua,the company use Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to help people got some water to drink and achieve the sale of their bottle-water product.Aqua is also communicate their product with advertising across all-media platforms includes TV,Radio and internet.

How should we communicate this ?
We should communicate this with what’s going on or viral in society.We communicate this together with public figure that promoting Aqua in the media and do some campaign in the field so people know what Aqua it is.

Where should communicate this ?
In order to reach more audience,we should communicate this in Television.Because,around 90 percent of Indonesia’s people have television in their house.We also can communicate this in the Internet because around 50% of Indonesia’s people has also connectivity to the web.And the last what make the communication of the product is success in Indonesia is by word of people’s mouth.We should communicate this directly to the people in the field until rural areas across this nation.

When need communication need to take place?
Communication need to take place directly in the field from city until rural areas.It need to take place from bus station,train station until airport across the country from Sabang until Merauke.

Entrepreneurship Tips

If you want to be an entrepreneur,There’s something you need to know.Starting a business need a lot of time,effort and hard work,and perhaps unsuprisingly,could be a lot of entrepreneurs end up failing.But,the challenge you’ll face on the road to success are worth-taking if your company make it and the rewards of entrepreneurship will follow you.
Before the journey begin,make some plan and consider it.Because,it’s really matter to get yourself prepared.And this is some steps that you need to make it real your goals

1.     Refine your idea
An idea of what you want to sell or most of the market you want to enter are likely you got in your mind before starting a business.Do a quick search for existing companies in your chosen industry.
Another option is to open a franchise of an established company.All you need is just strategic location and the funds to fulfil the company’s operation.

2.     Write a business plan
A business plan helps you know where your company is going,how it will overcome any potential difficulties ad you need to sustain it.

3.     Assess your finances
You can lend some money through a bank although the security are sometimes difficult.A small business loan through an alternative lender.To consider an investor,it needs million dollars to running your business or you can make an equity crowdfunding campign to getting smaller sum of money from multiple backers.

4.     Determine your legal business structure
First,you decide what kind of entity it is.Your business structure legally affects everything from taxes until your ability.Next,if youself entirely owned the business you have to know that ll debts and obligations is all on your hand.You can also join Sole proprietorship or a partnership or more people are held personally liable as business owners.

5.     Register with the government and IRS
You must register with the government to recognizing your business officially.An articles of incorporation document is required.Then,fulfill your federal and state income tax obligations that determined by your business structure.

6.     Purchase an insurance policy
Purchasing the right insurance for your business is an important step that should happen before you officially launch.You need to be sure that you’re properly protected and can be costly if something goes wrong.

7.     Build your team
You need to hire a great team to identifying your founding team,understanding what gaps exist,and determining how and when you will adress them should be prioritized.Defining roles and and responsibility,division of labor,how to give feedback,or how to work together when not everyone is in the same room will get your mind peacefully.

8.     Choose your vendors
Companies in every industry exist to partner with you and help you run your business partner with you and help you run your business better and find someone you can trust and ask about their experience in your industry,their track record with existing clients and what kind of growth they’ve helped other clients achieve.

9.     Brand yourself and advertise
Build up your brand and get a following of people ready to jump when you open your literal or figurative doors for business.Then,create a logo that can help people easily identify.
10.  Grow your business
In order to make a profit and stay afloat,you always need to be growing your business.It need time and effort but you’ll get out of your business what you put into it.
Collaborating with more established brands in your industry and reach out to other companies or even influential bloggers to achieve growth.
Starting a business can be risky and challenging,but armed with the proper tools and information,you can put yourself on the path to entrepreneurship.

Soal dan Jawaban Sistem Manajemen Informasi AW

Question 1
Consider one organisation/enterprise/company that you are familiar with in the manufacturing, hospitality or supply chain industry. Appraise the information management system in this particular organisation. You should first describe this organisation, identify its key business and the role that information management plays in this organisation

A&W is most surely understood chicken eatery,with chains in more than one thousands areas and worldwide in 75 countries.A&W and its franchised represantatives are more than 50 thousands across the world.
In 1956, the first A&W drive-in restaurant in Canada opened on Portage Avenue in Winnipeg. Serving a delicious combination of great-tasting burgers, onion rings and frosted mugs of famous A&W Root Beer®—all from the smiling faces of friendly car hops—A&W proved to be an instant hit. A&W Restaurants quickly multiplied across the nation, flourishing through the late '50s and '60s.
In 1995, Taubman sold A&W to Sidney Feltenstein. A&W merged with Long John Silver's to form Yorkshire Global Restaurants based in Lexington, Kentucky. Yorkshire in 2000 agreed to test multi-branded locations with Tricon Global Restaurants. By March 2002, the Yorkshire-Tricon multi-branding test consisted of 83 KFC/A&Ws, six KFC/Long John Silver's and three Taco Bell/Long John Silver's and was considered successful by the companies.

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization.
Each A&W outlet use MIS in accounting, knowing production, and very useful in formulating policies which helps them to rate their employees.MIS systems can provide predictions about the effect on sales that an alteration in price would have on a product which is very useful for A&W future development. These Decision Support Systems (DSS) enable more informed decision making within an enterprise than would be possible without MIS systems. 
  1. MIS systems let the A&W management:
    To catch data and store it, at whatever point they are making charges it helps them to check deals every day, every week and every month on the grounds that a duplicate of the bill is put away in the PC.
  2. Access put away data effortlessly and control it for the requirements of their customers' while charging or taking request they simply enter the code of the item asked for around then and the amount requested.
  3. Control flow of information into, around and out of the systems.
  4. Manage assets this is a critical capacity as consistently stock is recorded and consequently assets could be overseen..
  5. Produce reports for themselves so that they can compare their own performances with their own and other.
  6. Maintain records required for quality control so that the example of overcoming adversity of the considerable number of representatives can be appraised.
  7. Respond certainly to the requests of the Common Inspection Framework MIS help them since they now effortlessly check when the last stocking was finished.
  8. Record and track outcomes.
  9. Manage marketing information to further improve sales.
  10. And a host of other information related functions.
  11. If  Management Information Systems are adaptable, and identify with the requirements of the association, the customers and the educational programs that they are conveying, then they function admirably and successfully. One must make certain that, whatever frameworks you utilize, they suit your reasons and can be tweaked to do as such, are anything but difficult to utilize and permit quick information section with fast and adaptable access for reporting purposes.

Minggu, 12 April 2020

Kuisioner Penelitian Sushi Tei



Kepada Yth.
Di Tempat

Dengan Hormat,

Bersama lembaran isian kuesioner ini, dan dengan segala kerendahan hati dari peneliti, kami mohon kesediaan anda untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dengan menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang telah disediakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah demi meningkatkan konsumen. Sedangkan bagi peneliti sendiri, maksud diadakannya penelitian ini dalam rangka penulisan tesis, adalah untuk memenuhi persyaratan memperoleh derajat S-2 Program Studi Magister Manajemen Universitas Trisakti. Kesediaan dalam pengisian angket ini tidak akan mengganggu kredibilitas anda.

Atas perhatian, kerjasama dan partisipasi yang anda berikan, peneliti mengucapkan terimakasih.    

Pelaksana Penelitian
